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What You Need to Know: Your Legal Rights During a Police Search
In a world where our rights play a crucial role in maintaining a fair and just society, it's essential to understand what protections are...

How Many Times Can You Be Called For Jury Duty NSW?
Jury duty is a fundamental aspect of the legal system, embodying the democratic principle of being judged by a jury of one's peers. In...

How To Contest A Mobile Phone Fine In NSW?
Receiving a mobile phone fine can be frustrating and may often feel unjust. If you've been penalised in New South Wales and believe it...

The Difference Between Civil And Criminal Law
Civil and criminal law are two branches of law that fulfil different purposes, involve different procedures and result in different types...

Understanding Your Rights When Getting Arrested in New South Wales (NSW)
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you're facing an arrest? Whether it's due to a misunderstanding, a legal issue, or...

If You Plead Guilty, Do You Go To Jail Right Away?
Facing the decision to plead guilty in a legal case is fraught with anxiety and uncertainty, especially regarding the immediate...
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